Speaker: Eugene Wu
Location: Soda 380
Date: November 6, 2023
Time: 1 PM – 2 PM PST
Title: “Systems for Human Data Interaction”
Abstract: The interfaces and tools for end-users to interact with, and work with, data is still lacking. It is still too difficult to translate a user’s data needs into the appropriate interfaces, too difficult to develop data intensive interfaces that are responsive and scalable, and too difficult for users to understand and interpret the data they see. In this talk, I will provide a short overview of our lab’s recent work on systems for human data interaction that go towards addressing these challenges. Then I’ll focus on our recent work on applications of factorized aggregation queries to visualization analytics over joins, in-dbms ML, and data markets.
Bio: Eugene Wu is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University, and Co-Chair of the Center for Data, Media, & Society, as part of the Data Science Institute. He received a Ph.D. in EECS from MIT, and B.S. from UC Berkeley. Eugene is broadly interested in technologies for human data interaction, and how users can effectively and quickly make sense of their data. His systems seek to improve the interface between users and data, and combine ideas from database management, visualization, and HCI. Eugene Wu has received the VLDB 2018 test of time award, best-of-conference citations at ICDE and VLDB, the SIGMOD 2016 best demo award, the NSF CAREER, and Google, Amazon, & Adobe faculty awards.